Current Position: US Senator since 2013
Affiliation: Other
Former Position: Governor from 1995 – 2003
Other Positions: Chair, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
Chair, Subcommittee on National Parks
In 1972, he served as chief counsel to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Alcoholism and Narcotics. In 1989, King founded Northeast Energy Management, Inc., a company that developed and operated electrical energy conservation projects.
U.S. water systems are fundamental to everyday American life – but like our pipelines and our food supply, they are vulnerable to dangerous cyberattacks. We must bolster the cybersecurity of all our critical infrastructure.
Full Angus King: In Many States, Being An Independent Is ‘Unthinkable’ | MTP Daily | MSNBC
OnAir Post: Angus King – ME
Source: Government page
In January 2013, Angus King was sworn in as Maine’s first Independent United States Senator, filling the same seat once held by storied Maine leaders Edmund Muskie, George Mitchell, and Olympia Snowe.
A strong believer in the need for greater bipartisan dialogue and relationship building, Senator King is proud to join the long line of thoughtful, independent leaders from the State of Maine, and he works hard every day to bring Republicans and Democrats together to find common-sense solutions for Maine and America. He is a proven consensus-builder who “calls ‘em like he sees ‘em”, putting civility and respect ahead of political ideology.
Senator King is a member of the Armed Services Committee, the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and the Committee on Rules and Administration. He has made it a priority not to miss Committee hearings, earning him praise from his colleagues and the reputation as a workhorse in the Senate. Armed Services Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) once called Senator King “one of the most serious and hard-working members” of the Committee.
In his time in the Senate, Senator King has worked to strengthen America’s national security, conducted critical oversight of the nation’s Intelligence Community, supported common-sense budget priorities that promote prosperity and reduce the national debt, fought the national opioid and heroin epidemic, coordinated efforts to revitalize Maine’s forest economy, advocated for policies that contribute to cleaner, cheaper energy and mitigate climate change, railed against the corrosive effect of unchecked money in politics, fought to improve access to health care, worked to strengthen the government’s support of veterans, and promoted increased access to critical community resources like rural broadband.
Senator King has already achieved significant legislative victories. In 2013, when students across America faced the financial threat of a significant increase in their student loan interest rates, Senator King spearheaded the effort to draft and pass through both the Senate and House the compromise legislation that not only averted rate hikes, but that also put the program on long-term stable financial footing. That hard-fought bipartisan solution, the Student Loan Certainty Act of 2013, has since been projected to save millions of students across the country more than $50 billion in interest payments.
During the government shutdown of 2014, Senator King worked tirelessly with a small group of moderate senators, led by his colleague and friend Senator Susan Collins, to formulate the action plan that eventually led to the reopening of the government.
In fact, it is in small working groups like this that Senator King has focused much of his work. He co-founded the Former Governors Caucus, which brings together the Senate’s former Governors to chart pragmatic approaches to solutions, as well as the Senate Arctic Caucus, which hones in on Maine and America’s growing interest in the Arctic. Senator King also tries to informally bridge the partisan divide in Washington by frequently bringing his colleagues on both sides of the aisle to his home for barbeque dinners, where political talk is banned and the focus is getting to know one another. The bonds that are formed through these relationships often lay the foundation for successful legislation.
Senator King also served as the 72nd Governor of Maine, and during his two terms in the Blaine House, he focused on economic development and job creation. Then-Governor King also achieved significant reforms in education, mental health services, land conservation, environmental protection, and the delivery of state services. He was re-elected in 1998 by one of the largest margins in Maine’s history.
Senator King is married to Mary Herman and has four sons, Angus III, Duncan, James, and Ben, one daughter, Molly, and six grandchildren. He attended Dartmouth College and the University of Virginia Law School. In his free time, he enjoys exploring the Maine outdoors with his family.
Full Name: Angus S. King, Jr.
Gender: Male
Family: Divorced: Edie; 1 Son: Angus III, Wife: Mary; 4 Children: Duncan, James, Benjamin, Molly
Birth Date: 03/31/1944
Birth Place: Alexandria, VA
Home City: Brunswick, ME
Religion: Episcopalian
Source: Vote Smart
JD, University of Virginia Law School, 1969
BA, Dartmouth College, 1966
Political Experience
Senator, United States Senate, 2013-present
Candidate, United States Senate, 2018
Governor, State of Maine, 1994-2002
Professional Experience
Former Chief Counsel, United States Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare
Co-Founder, Independence Wind, 2007-2012
Founder/President, Northeast Energy Management, Incorporated, 1989-1994
Television Host, MaineWatch, 1975-1993
General Counsel/Vice President, Swift River/Hafslund Company, 1983-1988
Attorney, Smith, Lloyd, and King, 1975-1983
Aide, Office of Senator William Hathaway, 1972-1975
Chief Counsel, United States Senate Subcommittee on Alcoholism and Narcotics, 1972-1975
Staff Attorney, Pine Tree Legal Assistance, 1969-1972
4 Gabriel Drive, Suite 3
Augusta, Maine 04330
Phone: Phone: (207) 622-8292
202 Harlow St., Suite 20350
Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: Phone: (207) 945-8000
227 Main Street
Biddeford, ME 04005
Phone: Phone: (207) 352-5216
Presque Isle
167 Academy St., Suite A
Presque Isle, Maine 04769
Phone: Phone: (207) 764-5124
Washington, D.C.
133 Hart Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: Phone: (202) 224-5344
Email: Government
Web Links
Source: none
Election Results
To learn more, go to this wikipedia section in this post.
Source: Open Secrets
- Committee on Armed Services
- Subcommittee on Airland (2017–present)
- Subcommittee on Personnel (2013–2017)
- Subcommittee on Seapower
- Subcommittee on Strategic Forces (2013–2017; 2019–present) (Chair, 2021–present)
- Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (2015–present)
- Subcommittee on Energy
- Subcommittee on National Parks (Chair, 2021–present)
- Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining (2021–present)
- Subcommittee on Water and Power (2015–2021)
- Committee on Rules and Administration
- Select Committee on Intelligence
- Afterschool Caucuses
New Legislation
Source: Government page
Budgets are about priorities. They list what we care about, and in dollar amounts, they quantify how much we care. As an annual framework for federal spending and revenue levels, the budget helps chart a path toward fiscal responsibility and the overall health of our economy. Like so many Americans, I am amazed that Congress – more often than not – chooses to run the country on short-term, haphazard budgets. Our businesses and communities cannot afford such unsustainable practices.
As a member of the Senate Budget Committee, I have been committed to working with my colleagues – from both sides of the aisle – to find solutions that chart a serious and credible path to broad-based economic growth. I have prioritized taking an evenhanded approach to budgeting, reversing sequestration cuts and their harmful effects, and establishing a smarter, more functional budget process. Responsibly confronting our long-term fiscal challenges will require a balanced approach that allows for responsible, targeted cuts to domestic discretionary spending programs; increases in new revenue; and reforms that slow the growth in programs like Medicare and Medicaid – without compromising the quality in care.
Civil Rights
Since its inception, our nation has had a long history of fighting for liberties and expanding opportunities and protections to all members of society. Ensuring all Americans, regardless of their race, gender, or sexual orientation, equal opportunities for success and happiness only serves to strengthen the very core of our country. I support equal rights and remedying existing inequities so that we can remain a model of inclusiveness and fairness. The Supreme Court decision ending discrimination against same-sex couples was fair and right, and I will continue to support equality for all Americans.
Getting Mainers back to work, creating new jobs, and maintaining a competitive workforce are some of the greatest challenges facing our state. The key to American economic success has always been – and continues to be – our never-ending innovative spirit. For generations, small businesses and local industries have served as the lifeblood of Maine’s economy, and I am committed to making sure we are ready to confront the challenges and embrace the opportunities of the twenty-first century by promoting innovation in Maine’s traditional industries, like forestry, farming, and fishing; advancing initiatives that make it easier for Maine people to rejoin or remain in the workforce; and supporting efforts to allow workers to acquire the skills and training they need to succeed in the changing economy.
As a member of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, I’m hard at work to create a brighter energy future for America while also protecting our environment for generations to come. I believe that our national energy policy must promote the responsible use of domestic resources in a way that promises their continued existence. Crafting such a policy requires us to recognize that there is no silver bullet, and in the near term, a “Made-in-America” strategy will require a combination of improved efficiency and smarter use of existing fuel resources alongside increased investment in renewables and the next generation of energy technologies.
I believe we need to increase our focus on domestic energy production so that we can continue to create jobs and keep our energy dollars at home. While Maine has had limited direct benefits from the traditional fossil fuel based economy, our state is well positioned to contribute to and benefit from the growing clean energy economy with our ample hydropower, wind, and biomass resources. Maine is also proud to have the first-in-the-nation tidal power turbine and soon the first floating offshore wind turbines.
An important part of building Maine’s energy future involves new technologies, like solar, wind power and battery storage, that can limit our dependence on fossil fuels, reduce the environmental footprint of our energy system, and make our energy grid more resilient and reliable.
Free Trade is only Fair Trade when applied to societies of equal political, economic, and social status. Unfortunately for Maine, our country’s free trade agreements have too often allowed new participants into our markets that are not held to the same standards and rules as Maine businesses. Over the last several decades, our trade policies have produced reverse incentives for U.S. businesses to off-shore jobs, contributing to the hollowing out of the American economy and sharp, harmful declines in U.S. manufacturing.
Traditional industries across Maine have felt acutely the negative effects of unfair free trade agreements as well as expanded international trade with increasingly competitive exporters like China. I believe that efforts to help diversify and modernize Maine’s trade-sensitive industries will continue to fall short of their full potential until we get serious about building a trade agenda that carefully and responsibly assesses how best to improve existing trade agreements and how to craft new ones; more consistently prioritizes the enforcement of our existing trade agreements; and better supports domestic industry and American exporters. To learn more about my trade priorities, please click here.
Agriculture has a huge historic and cultural significance to the State of Maine. From our first settlers to the current generation of young agricultural entrepreneurs, Maine would not be what it is today without its generations of agricultural producers. Building upon the successes of this rich tradition, Maine is experiencing an exciting agricultural renaissance that is creating real opportunities for rural economic development.
Today more than 8,000 farms are working over 1.45 million acres of land and providing over $1 billion in economic activity. We are the nation’s largest producer of wild blueberries and brown eggs, and we have earned global recognition for producing the highest quality milk, cheeses, potatoes, apples, produce, maple syrup, and livestock.
To ensure the future strength and vitality of our agriculture industry, our farmers need assurances that they will not be subject to unnecessary and inappropriate regulatory burdens. Farmers also need access to broadband if they are to be able to operate their businesses efficiently and effectively – from selling products online to accessing critical information. Passing a reasonable and well balanced Farm Bill that takes into consideration the needs of each region of the country is essential, and I am working hard to ensure that all Maine farmers – from small and mid-sized operations to large commodity producers – are at the table to create sound agricultural policy.
Accompanying the abundance of produce grown in and on Maine soil is the bounty harvested from the waters of the Gulf of Maine. From our heritage in cod and other groundfish, to the iconic and booming lobster fishery and the nascent aquaculture industry, we have much to be proud of while we seek new opportunities and sustain current success. I believe we need to continue to facilitate cutting-edge science to better understand, anticipate, and adapt to changes to the marine ecosystem, help the seafood industry find and grow new markets, and continue to innovate new ways to ensure that future generations of people in Maine can thrive and make their livelihoods on the water.
The twenty-first century has brought about profound changes to the ways in which we do business both at home and abroad. As information, goods, and people flow seamlessly across borders at previously unimaginable speeds, we must rethink how to best equip our students for success in this new, global job market. To that end, I have been a champion of congressional efforts to finally reauthorize and reform the badly-outdated No Child Left Behind law to ensure that Washington can be a partner, not a barrier, to innovation in the classroom. I have also worked to address the soaring cost of higher education, providing student loan borrowers with substantive debt relief and reasonable options to finance their education.
Environment and Climate Change
One of the greatest threats of our time is climate change, and as a policymaker I believe we have a duty to confront this monumental problem. That is why I consistently support policies that promote clean energy to help reduce carbon output, and I take every opportunity I can to discuss the realities of climate change science with skeptics.
I believe we have an obligation to leave our children and grandchildren a healthy and thriving planet. In addition to clean energy initiatives, I am an ardent supporter of key federal environmental programs, like the EPA’s Brownfields Program, and I have fought for sufficient funding for these programs so that they can continue to keep our country and our state clean and safe for future generations.
I am committed to protecting the integrity of Maine’s environment and that of the nation – and to providing access to it. Outdoor recreation is not only an important part of our cultural history, but it is also a pillar of our state economy. Every year people from across the country come to visit and enjoy all that Maine’s mountains, rivers, lakes, and coastal waterways have to offer, and I am committed to ensuring that this cherished tradition continues.
Health Care
Working families in Maine need affordable healthcare coverage. On average, one in five dollars every Mainer makes is spent on healthcare, which is too much. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed to address this issue by aiming to provide affordable healthcare coverage for all, increasing opportunities to find better ways to pay for healthcare, and assisting employers in providing healthcare for their employees.
The ACA, along with the Medicare and Medicaid programs, are essential to delivering care in rural Maine. Healthcare and hospitals are significant job creators in our state’s economy, with hospitals being one of the four largest employers in fifteen Maine counties. Cuts to Medicare and Medicaid or the elimination of the ACA could leave tens of thousands of Mainers either dependent upon charity care or unable to access care that is in their community. Rural hospitals have clearly indicated that without a base of covered patients, they risk reducing services and staff, or even closing.
Make no mistake – I believe that healthcare is still far too expensive for far too many people and that there is a dire need to address this concern. However, the partisan bills put forward in the House and Senate in 2017 known as the American Health Care Act, Better Care Reconciliation Act, and Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act would have only served to make healthcare even more expensive for the people who need it most. That is why I am working with my colleagues to set aside these partisan efforts and move forward with bipartisan improvements to lower costs and expand coverage to even more people.
Improving the public health of Mainers is another high priority for me. We all share the goal of long and healthy life, from birth through childhood to adulthood. Our investments in infants and early childhood—through programs like the Mothers, Infants, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program – help start children off on the path to a long and healthy life. We also have to continue our attention to diseases like Lyme, West Nile, and Zika, working to manage the pests that spread these diseases.
The future of healthcare reform in the U.S. must focus on improved access to services and a reduction of costs. The soaring costs of healthcare in this country are not only a heavy burden on American families; they are also the primary drivers of our federal debt and deficit.
Transportation, Infrastructure, and Broadband
In a rural state, connecting people to commerce can be especially difficult, so the strength of our economy and communities relies on the maintenance of our ports, roads, railways, airports, and rivers. These resources – and others such as broadband, sewers, and utility lines – play a key role in supporting our businesses and facilitating the high standard of living that we in Maine enjoy. As we adjust to the real challenges of global climate change, we will need not just to maintain but to improve our infrastructure in order to protect Maine from seawater incursion on our coasts and islands, increased wear on our transportation networks, and defense against extreme weather events. Our state—and our country— incur a debt when we postpone investments in our transportation and infrastructure systems. Preserving and improving our state’s infrastructure and transportation systems is an essential component of any long term path to economic prosperity, and I am committed to supporting projects that keep Maine moving forward.
Increasing access to high-speed broadband, both fixed and wireless, is also key to ensuring our ability to compete in today’s global economy, and it is critical that we continue to invest in next generation broadband networks to advance innovation in education, health care, agriculture, and opportunities for entrepreneurs in Maine, regardless of where one lives. I have outlined a roadmap to help meet the broadband challenges faced in Maine and across the country, including steps to better connect rural communities and close the digital divide.
Social Security
The courageous men and women who serve in our armed forces have made countless personal sacrifices in the protection of the freedoms we enjoy today. I am proud that Maine is home to one of the highest percentages of veterans per capita in country. We have an obligation to ensure that these brave patriots have access to timely, quality care. In 2014, I strongly supported efforts to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs and better serve those who served us. We must not only fulfill our promise to care for those who have “borne the battle” and their families, but as a new generation of Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen transition to civilian life, we must also secure their continued access to the employment, health, housing, and education services that they deserve.
More Information
Source: Government page
Early life, education, and early career
Governor of Maine (1995–2003)
Hiatus from politics (2003–2012)
U.S. Senate (2013–present)
Political positions
Personal life
Electoral history
Awards, honors, and fellowships
External links
Angus Stanley King Jr. (born March 31, 1944) is an American lawyer and politician serving as the junior United States senator from Maine since 2013.[2] A political independent, he served as the 72nd governor of Maine from 1995 to 2003.
Born and raised in Virginia, King moved to Maine after graduating from law school. In 1989, he founded Northeast Energy Management, Inc., a company that developed and operated electrical energy conservation projects. He won the 1994 Maine gubernatorial election as the independent candidate in a four-way race and was reelected in a landslide in 1998. As the country’s only independent governor, King enjoyed high approval ratings during his tenure. After leaving office in 2003, King returned to his business career.
King won Maine’s 2012 Senate election to replace the retiring Republican Olympia Snowe and took office on January 3, 2013. He was reelected to a second term in 2018, following the state’s inaugural instant-runoff voting elections, and won a third term in 2024 against Republican nominee Demi Kouzounas and Democratic nominee David Costello. For committee assignment purposes, he caucuses with the Democratic Party. He is one of four independents in the Senate; the others are Joe Manchin[3] of West Virginia, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, and Kyrsten Sinema[4] of Arizona, all three of whom also caucus with the Democrats.[5]
Early life, education, and early career
King was born in Alexandria, Virginia, the son of Ellen Archer (née Ticer) and Angus Stanley King, a lawyer.[2][6] His father was a U.S. magistrate for the Eastern District of Virginia.[7]
King graduated from Francis C. Hammond High School in Alexandria.[8] He then enrolled at Dartmouth College, where earned a B.A. in 1966. At Dartmouth, King joined the Delta Upsilon social fraternity.[9] He then attended the University of Virginia School of Law, graduating in 1969.
Soon after graduating from law school, King entered private law practice in Brunswick, Maine. He was a staff attorney for Pine Tree Legal Assistance in Skowhegan.
In 1972, he served as the chief counsel to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Alcoholism and Narcotics. King served as a legislative assistant to Democratic U.S. Senator William Hathaway in the 1970s. He was also well-known statewide as a host on public television.[10]
In 1973, when he was 29, King was diagnosed with an aggressive form of malignant melanoma. King has said he believes he survived cancer only because he had health insurance, and has highlighted this experience when explaining his support for the Affordable Care Act.[11][12]
In 1975, King returned to Maine to practice with Smith, Loyd and King in Brunswick. In 1983, he was appointed vice president of Swift River/Hafslund Company, which developed alternative energy (hydroelectric and biomass) projects in New England.
In 1989, King founded Northeast Energy Management, Inc., a company that developed and operated electrical energy conservation projects. In 1994, he sold the company. As of 2012, King’s investments were valued at between $4.8 million and $22.5 million.[13]
Governor of Maine (1995–2003)
In May 1993, King announced he would run for governor of Maine as an independent in the 1994 election. Incumbent Governor John McKernan, a Republican, was term-limited and could not seek another term.[14] King abandoned his lifelong affiliation with the Maine Democratic Party. “The Democratic Party as an institution has become too much the party that is looking for something from government”, King told the Bangor Daily News a few weeks after he announced his candidacy.[15] The Republican nominee was Susan Collins, Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation under Governor John McKernan and a protégée of U.S. Senator William Cohen, and at the time relatively unknown to the electorate. The Democratic nominee was former Governor and U.S. Representative Joseph E. Brennan. It was Brennan’s fifth campaign for governor.
The general election was a highly competitive four-way race between King, Collins, Brennan, and Green Party nominee Jonathan Carter. King invested early in television advertising during Maine’s unusually early June primary, allowing him to emerge from the primary season on an equal footing with his rivals. He positioned himself as a businessman and a pragmatic environmentalist focused on job creation and education.[16] The Washington Times described King as an idealist who “wants to slash regulations but preserve the environment; hold the line on taxes; impose work and education requirements on welfare recipients; experiment with public school choice and cut at least $60 million from the state budget.”[17] His opponents criticized him for flip-flopping. Collins argued King “presents different images, depending on who he is talking to. Angus has been a Democrat his whole life. In my opinion, he became an independent because he didn’t think he could beat Joe Brennan in a primary. He’s extremely smooth, articulate and bright, but he says different things to different groups.”[18]

King narrowly won the November 8 election with 35% of the vote to Brennan’s 34%, a margin of 7,878 votes. Collins received 23% of the vote and Carter 6%. King won eight counties, Collins five and Brennan three.[19] King’s election as an independent was preceded by fellow independent James B. Longley, elected to the same office 20 years earlier.
During his tenure, King was the only U.S. governor unaffiliated with a political party. He was also one of only two governors nationwide not affiliated with either of the two major parties, the other being Jesse Ventura of Minnesota, who was elected in 1998 as a member of the Reform Party. The terms of Connecticut’s independent governor Lowell Weicker and Alaska’s independent governor Walter J. Hickel both ended when King’s began. In his 2004 book Independent Nation, political analyst John Avlon describes all four governors as radical centrist thinkers.[20] As governor, King signed legislation requiring that all school employees be fingerprinted and undergo background checks.[21]
King had an approval rating of 75% going into his reelection bid in 1998,[22] which he easily won, garnering 59% of the vote and defeating Republican Jim Longley Jr. (the son of the former governor), who took 19%, and Democrat Thomas Connolly, who received 12%. King’s 59% was the highest share of the vote a gubernatorial candidate had received since Brennan’s 1982 reelection with 62%. Brennan’s 1982 victory was also the last time until 1998 that a gubernatorial candidate had won a majority of the vote, and King’s 1998 reelection was the last time a Maine gubernatorial candidate received the majority of the vote until 2018.
In 2002, King launched the Maine Learning Technology Initiative (MLTI) to provide laptops for every public middle-school student in the state, the first initiative of its kind in the nation.[23] It met with considerable resistance due to its cost but was enacted by the Maine Legislature. On September 5, 2002, the state began the program with a four-year $37.2-million contract with Apple Inc. to equip all 7th- and 8th-grade students and teachers in the state with laptops.[24][25]
Hiatus from politics (2003–2012)
The day after he left office in 2003, King, his wife, Mary Herman, and their two children, who were 12 and 9 at the time, embarked on a road trip in a 40 foot (12m) motor home to see America. Over the next six months, the family traveled 15,000 miles (24,000 km) and visited 33 states before returning home in June 2003.[26]
During his post-gubernatorial residency in Maine, he lectured at Bowdoin College in Brunswick and Bates College in Lewiston. He was appointed a visiting lecturer at Bowdoin in 2004 and an endowed lecturer at Bates in 2009, teaching courses in American politics and political leadership at both institutions.[27][28]
In 2007, King and Rob Gardiner, formerly of the Maine Public Broadcasting Network, formed Independence Wind, a wind energy company.[29] In August 2009, Independence Wind along with joint venture partner Wagner Forest Management won Maine DEP approval for construction of a proposed $120-million, 22-turbine, utility-scale wind power project along a prominent mountain ridge in Roxbury, Maine.[30] To avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, King sold his share of the company after entering the 2012 U.S. Senate election.[31] Of the project, King has said, “People who say wind is only an intermittent resource are looking for a one-shot solution. And my experience is that there are rarely silver bullets, but there is often silver buckshot. Wind is an adjunct source of energy. Ten percent, 20% can be very significant”.[32]
U.S. Senate (2013–present)
On March 5, 2012, King announced that he was running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Olympia Snowe.[33][34] King said “hogwash” to allegations by some Republicans that he had cut a deal with Democrats to keep U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree out of the race.[35]
King’s Senate campaign came under scrutiny for posting a heavily edited newspaper profile of him on its website.[36]
On November 6, 2012, King won the Senate race with 53%[37] of the vote, beating Democrat Cynthia Dill and Republican Charlie Summers.[38][39] The following week, King announced that he would caucus with Senate Democrats, explaining not only that it made more sense to affiliate with the party that had a clear majority, but that he would have been largely excluded from the committee process had he not caucused with a party.[40][41] King said he had not ruled out caucusing with the Republicans if they took control of the Senate in 2014 United States Senate elections,[42] but when Republicans did win the majority that year, he remained in the Democratic caucus.[43] King remained in the Democratic caucus after the 2016, 2018, and the 2020 elections, the first two of which also resulted in Republican Senate majorities and the last of which produced a 50–50 tie.
On November 6, 2018, King was reelected, defeating Republican state Senator Eric Brakey and Democrat Zak Ringelstein.[44]
On November 5, 2024, King was reelected to a third term, defeating Republican Demi Kouzounas, Democrat David Costello, and independent Jason Cherry. Should he serve until his 81st birthday on March 31, 2025, he will become the oldest U.S. senator in Maine history.[45]
113th Congress (2013–2015)

King supported reform of the Senate filibuster, noting that senators are no longer required to stand on the floor and speak during a filibuster.[46] He also pointed out that the Constitution contains no 60-vote requirement to conduct business in the Senate.[47] In 2013, King voted in favor of the so-called nuclear option to eliminate the filibuster for most presidential nominees.[48][49]
King opposed attempts by the U.S. House to cut $40 billion from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program over 10 years, fearing that it “would affect people in a serious way” and drive more people to soup kitchens and food banks. He supported the more modest Senate efforts to save $4 billion over the same period by closing loopholes.[50]
In 2014, King was chosen for the annual tradition of reading George Washington’s Farewell Address to the Senate.[51]

King endorsed his colleague Susan Collins for reelection in the 2014 U.S. Senate election,[52] calling her a “model Senator”. At the same time, he endorsed Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire for reelection.[53] King also endorsed Eliot Cutler for governor in the 2014 election, as he had in 2010, but on October 29, 2014, he switched his endorsement to Democratic nominee Mike Michaud.[54][55] He also endorsed Democrat Emily Cain for the Maine’s second congressional district election[56] and Republican Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee in his reelection campaign.[57]
After Republicans gained the Senate majority in the 2014 election, King announced that he would continue to caucus with the Democrats. He cited his belief that it is good for a state to have a senator from each party, and that it is important to have a senator who caucuses with the same party as the President, saying, “In the end, who I caucus with is less important than who I work with.” He added, “It does not mean I have become a Democrat. It does not mean I have made a promise to anybody.”[43]
116th Congress (2019–2021)
In 2020, President Donald Trump said King was “worse than any Democrat” after King had a “testy” exchange with Vice President Mike Pence in a phone call in which King had criticized the executive branch’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. King stated he had “never been so mad about a phone call in my entire life,” after the phone call with Pence. He also called the President and Vice President’s response to the pandemic “a dereliction of duty.”[58]
117th Congress (2021–2023)
King was participating in the certification of the 2021 United States Electoral College vote count when Trump supporters attacked the United States Capitol. When they breached the Capitol, King and other senators were moved to a safe location.[59] He called the event a “violent insurrection” and “unspeakably sad”, and blamed Trump.[60] In the wake of the attack, King announced that he supported invoking the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution to remove Trump from office.[61]
118th Congress (2023–2025)
King was one of 19 votes in favor of a bill to block arms sales to Israel during the Israel–Hamas war. King, who had skipped an address to Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in protest of Israel’s conduct of the war earlier that year,[62] said that the war had taken “a dark turn when it resulted in far more casualties among innocent Palestinians—including tens of thousands of women and children—than among Hamas.”[63]
Committee assignments
- Committee on Armed Services
- Subcommittee on Airland (2017–present)
- Subcommittee on Personnel (2013–2017)
- Subcommittee on Seapower
- Subcommittee on Strategic Forces (2013–2017; 2019–present) (Chair, 2021–present)
- Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (2015–present)
- Subcommittee on Energy
- Subcommittee on National Parks (Chair, 2021–present)
- Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining (2021–present)
- Subcommittee on Water and Power (2015–2021)
- Select Committee on Intelligence
- Committee on the Budget (2013–2019)
Caucus memberships
Legislation sponsored
The following is an incomplete list of legislation that King has sponsored:
- Affordable College Textbook Act (S. 1864; 115th Congress)
- In April 2023, it was revealed that Justice Clarence Thomas had accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars of travel and free gifts from a Republican donor. King and Senator Lisa Murkowski introduced a bipartisan bill intended to force the Supreme Court to establish an ethics code that would require the court to appoint an official to examine public complaints and potential conflicts.[66]
Political positions
King has been described as a moderate Independent.[67] He has called himself “neither a Democrat nor a Republican, but an American“.[68] The nonpartisan National Journal gave him a 2013 composite ideology score of 59% liberal and 41% conservative.[69] His Crowdpac score is −4.3 (10 is the most conservative, −10 the most liberal), based on a data aggregation of his campaign contributions, votes, and speeches.[70] In a study published by The Washington Post called “Party Unity scores,” King voted with the Democratic Party 43% of the time.[71] GovTrack ranks King among the more moderate members of the Senate, near the Senate’s ideological center.[72] In 2014, King endorsed his Republican colleague from Maine, Susan Collins.[73] According to FiveThirtyEight, which tracks Congressional votes, King had voted in line with President Trump’s position on legislation about 38% of the time as of January 2021.[74] In 2023, the Lugar Center ranked King in the top fifth of senators for bipartisanship.[75]
In August 2018, King was one of 31 senators to vote against the Protect Interstate Commerce Act of 2018, a proposed amendment to the 2018 United States farm bill that would mandate states to authorize agricultural product sales not prohibited under federal law. After the farm bill passed in December, King and Susan Collins released a statement expressing their delight at the amendment not being included as there were a “number of state laws in Maine that would have been undermined if this amendment was adopted, including those on crate bans for livestock, consumer protections for blueberry inspections, and environmental safeguards for cranberry cultivation”.[76]
Economic policy
King has called for the continuation of a tariff on imported athletic footwear, citing the potential loss of jobs at New Balance‘s Skowhegan and Madison factories in Maine.[77] Also while governor, King vetoed a bill that would have raised Maine’s minimum wage by 25 cents per hour.[78]
In 2017, King opposed the Republican tax bill, criticizing its passage on a party-line vote without hearings,[79][80] saying: “The Bangor City Council would not amend the leash law using this process.”[80] King criticized the legislation for adding $1 trillion to the U.S. budget deficit over ten years and sought to return the bill to committee, but his proposal failed on a party-line vote.[80]
In March 2018, King and fellow Maine senator Susan Collins introduced the Northern Border Regional Commission Reauthorization Act, a bill that would bolster the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) and was included in the 2018 United States farm bill. In June 2019, when King and Collins announced the NBRC would award grant funding to the University of Maine, the senators called the funding an investment in Maine’s forest economy that would “help those who have relied on this crucial sector for generations” and “bolster efforts by UMaine to open more opportunities in rural communities.”[81]
On April 15, 2020, the Trump administration invited King to join a bipartisan task force on the reopening of the economy amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.[82]
King is supportive of U.S. manufacturers like Auburn Manufacturing, a Maine company he visited in 2022 to promote domestic manufacturing and speak out against Chinese unfair trade practices.[83][84]
Minimum wage and Social Security
On March 5, 2021, King voted against Bernie Sanders‘s amendment to include a $15/hour minimum wage in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.[85]
King and a group of Republican senators led by Bill Cassidy proposed a bill that included raising the Social Security retirement age from 67 to 70. Other policy proposals included tweaking the benefits formula to take into account the number of years a person has worked, and expanding the program’s ability to invest in private stocks, rather than the current trust fund model.[86][87]
In February 2019, during ongoing trade disputes between the United States and China, King was one of ten senators to sign a bipartisan letter to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Energy Secretary Rick Perry asserting that the American government “should consider a ban on the use of Huawei inverters in the United States and work with state and local regulators to raise awareness and mitigate potential threats” and urging them “to work with all federal, state and local regulators, as well as the hundreds of independent power producers and electricity distributors nationwide to ensure our systems are protected.”[88]
Environment and energy
King supports action to combat climate change and carries a laminated graph of increases in carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere to respond to climate change denialists.[89] He was the only member of Congress to join a three-day U.S. Coast Guard fact-finding mission to Greenland in 2016, where he witnessed melting ice sheets firsthand and said that the impacts of climate change were “amazing and scary”.[90] Nevertheless, in March 2019 King joined Senate Republicans in voting against the Green New Deal.[91]
King opposes oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge on the grounds that the amount of oil is not worth the environmental risk of extracting it. He also believes that new developments in the energy field, such as fracking, should be subject to “all appropriate environmental safeguards to protect the American people and the American land.”[92] King opposes the Keystone XL pipeline, saying it “will facilitate the transport of some of the world’s dirtiest and most climate-harming oil through our country”,[93][92] and has cast several votes against legislation authorizing its construction.[94][95][96] King said he was “frustrated” with President Obama’s delay in deciding whether to authorize construction, but that he opposed Congress legislating the approval or disapproval of a construction project.[97]
King has expressed opposition to the creation of a Maine Woods National Park. His 2012 campaign website said that local control is the best way to conserve land,[98] but in 2014, King said he was keeping an open mind about the idea.[99]
King initially expressed “serious reservations” about proposals to establish the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument,[100] but expressed support for Obama’s creation of the monument in 2016, saying that the administration had made commitments that convinced him that “the benefits of the designation will far outweigh any detriment”; that the monument would not hurt Maine’s pulp and paper industry; and that the monument would help diversify the local economy.[101]
King opposes efforts in Maine to ban the baiting and trapping of bears, including an effort to put the question to voters in 2014, calling such practices necessary to prevent interaction between bears and people, and saying the practices are based on science and the views of experts.[102]
In 2017, King and Senator Jim Risch introduced the Securing Energy Infrastructure Act. The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved the bill in 2018. The bill creates a pilot program for the federal government to study analog, nondigital, and physical systems that can be incorporated into the power grid to mitigate the potential effects of a cyberattack. The idea for the bill came after a 2015 cyberattack in Ukraine took down a large portion of the country’s energy grid.[103] In April 2019 King was one of four senators caucusing with the Democrats who voted with Republicans to confirm David Bernhardt, an oil executive, as Secretary of the Interior Department.[104]
In April 2019, King was one of 12 senators to sign a bipartisan letter to top senators on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development advocating that the Energy Department be granted maximum funding for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), arguing that American job growth could be stimulated by investment in capturing carbon emissions and expressing disagreement with President Trump’s 2020 budget request to combine the two federal programs that do carbon capture research.[105]
In July 2019, King called climate change “one of the most serious threats to” the United States, saying that two thirds of Arctic ice has disappeared over the past 30 years. A release from King’s office stated that he had asserted the vital need for the U.S. to return to the aspirations of the Paris Climate Accord.[106]
Foreign relations and national security
King has voted to arm Syrian rebels who are fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and ISIL militants.[107]
King favors the normalization of U.S.–Cuba relations. He opposes the U.S. embargo against Cuba, calling it an “antiquated” relic of the Cold War; in 2015, King introduced legislation to lift the embargo.[108][109]
As a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, King participated in its probe of Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. elections.[110] King said that the entire committee had “no doubt whatsoever” about the Kremlin’s culpability in the meddling and described the cyberattacks as “a frontal assault on our democracy” that could present a long-term threat.[111]
In May 2018, King and fellow Maine senator Susan Collins introduced the PRINT Act, a bill that would halt collections of countervailing duties and anti-dumping duties on Canadian newsprint and require the U.S. Department of Commerce to conduct a study of economic health of printing and publishing industries. Proponents of the bill argued it would offer a lifeline to the publishing industry amid newsprint price increases. Critics accused it of setting “a dangerous precedent for future investigations into allegations of unfair trade practices.”[112]
In August 2018, King and 16 other lawmakers urged the Trump administration to impose sanctions under the Global Magnitsky Act against Chinese officials responsible for human rights abuses against the Uyghur Muslim minority in western China’s Xinjiang region.[113] They wrote: “The detention of as many as a million or more Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities in “political reeducation” centers or camps requires a tough, targeted, and global response.”[114]
In November 2018, King joined Senators Chris Coons, Marco Rubio and a bipartisan group of lawmakers in sending the Trump administration a letter raising concerns about the People’s Republic of China‘s undue influence on media outlets and academic institutions in the United States. They wrote: “In American news outlets, Beijing has used financial ties to suppress negative information about the CCP. … Beijing has also sought to use relationships with American academic institutions and student groups to shape public discourse.”[115]
In late 2018, King voted to withdraw U.S. military aid for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.[116]
In December 2018, after President Trump announced the withdrawal of American troops from Syria, King was one of six senators to sign a letter expressing concern about the move and their belief “that such action at this time is a premature and costly mistake that not only threatens the safety and security of the United States, but also emboldens ISIS, Bashar al Assad, Iran, and Russia.”[117]
In October 2019, King was one of six senators to sign a bipartisan letter to Trump calling on him to “urge Turkey to end their offensive [in Syria] and find a way to a peaceful resolution while supporting our Kurdish partners to ensure regional stability” and arguing that to leave Syria without installing protections for American allies would endanger both them and the U.S.[118]
King initially rejected calls for a ceasefire in the Israel–Hamas war,[119] but as the war progressed, he became increasingly critical of Israel’s conduct. He skipped Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s address to a joint session of Congress in 2024 due to Israel’s conduct in the war,[62] and in December 2024 joined 18 other senators mostly from the Democratic Party’s progressive wing in voting to block arms sales to Israel due to the number of innocent Palestinians killed in the conflict.[63]
In March 2023, King voted with a bipartisan majority to repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) in Iraq.[120]
In 2015, King supported the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, an international agreement with Iran. In voting against a “resolution of disapproval” in opposition to the agreement, King stated, “The current alternatives, if this agreement is rejected, are either unrealistic or downright dangerous.”[121]
In May 2019, King said he believed U.S. intel on Iran was accurate but that he wanted to know which country was reacting to the actions of the other, adding that he was “gravely concerned because of the possibility of miscalculation, misunderstanding, misreading of some event and all of the sudden you’re on the ladder of escalation that could be dangerous for this country and for the Middle East.”[122]
After President Trump halted retaliatory air strikes against Iran after Iran downed an American surveillance drone in June 2019, King said he agreed with the decision not to carry out the strikes but expressed concern about Trump’s potentially limited options after steps taken by National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. King also questioned the difference in U.S. relations with Iran that year as opposed to any other in the country’s history and asserted that it was “a high-stakes gamble” if the U.S.’s pressure on Iran was unsuccessful.[123]
Gun laws
King supports expanding background checks to most firearms transactions, with exceptions for transfers between family members, calling such a position “the single most effective step” that can be taken to keep guns out of the wrong hands. He supports limiting the size of magazines to 10 rounds, and to make purchasing a gun for someone not legally allowed to have one a federal crime. He does not support a ban on assault weapons, believing it will not work and that such a ban is not based on the functionality of the weapons, which are not relevantly different from the many hunting rifles owned by Maine residents. He noted that the vast majority of gun crimes are committed with handguns, not rifles.[124]
King voted for the Manchin–Toomey amendment to expand background checks for gun purchases.[125]
In 2018, King was a cosponsor of the NICS Denial Notification Act,[126] legislation developed in the aftermath of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that would require federal authorities to inform states within a day after a person failing the National Instant Criminal Background Check System attempted to buy a firearm.[127]
In August 2019, after two mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, King cosponsored the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, a bill authorizing states to use grants to develop red flag laws which would allow family members to petition courts for an order that would temporarily prevent someone from purchasing a gun and an order for law enforcement to take a firearm away.[128]
In 2022, King voted for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, a gun reform bill introduced following a deadly school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The bill enhanced background checks for firearm purchasers under the age of 21, provided funding for school-based mental health services, and partially closed the gun show loophole and boyfriend loophole.[129][130]
After the 2023 Lewiston shootings, King joined fellow Maine Senator Susan Collins in opposing calls for a national assault weapons ban but supporting bans on functionalities such as high-capacity magazines.[131]
King supports the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare), but has expressed support for modest adjustments to the legislation if they can be done on a bipartisan basis.[132][133] In 2013, he voted to restore funding for the ACA as part of an amendment to legislation that funded government operations for 45 days.[134] He has said that those opposed to the ACA who are attempting to discourage people from purchasing health insurance are “guilty of murder” and that doing so was “one of the grossest violations of our humanity that I could think of.”[135] In making this comment, King noted a time in his life when he believed he would have died had he not just acquired health insurance.[135]
In 2015, as part of the Obama administration’s fiscal year 2016 budget, the United States Department of Veteran Affairs proposed congressional authorization for $6.8 million toward leasing 56,600 square feet at an unspecified location in Portland, Maine, to expand a clinic that would authorize southern Maine veterans to receive basic medical and mental health care locally. King supported the proposal. He and Susan Collins released a statement that ensuring Maine veterans had access to high quality care “is one of our top priorities, and we’re pursuing the input of local veterans and interested stakeholders to understand their perspective about the proposal.”[136]
In January 2017, King voted against the Republican Senate budget plan to accelerate repeal of the ACA and block repeal legislation from being filibustered; the measure passed on a largely party line 51–48 vote.[132] He spoke out against the House Republican repeal legislation, noting that the Congressional Budget Office estimated that 14 million Americans would lose health insurance if the legislation were enacted.[137] Of the House Republican bill, King said, “If you were designing a bill to hammer my state, it would be this bill,” adding that it would most adversely affect Maine residents between the ages of 50 and 65.[138]
King is a supporter of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) program.[139]
King favors abortion rights.[140]
In February 2017, King and 30 other senators signed a letter to Kaléo Pharmaceuticals in response to an increase of the opioid-overdose-reversing device Evzio’s price from $690 in 2014 to $4,500. They requested the detailed price structure for Evzio, the number of devices Kaléo Pharmaceuticals set aside for donation, and the totality of federal reimbursements Evzio received in the previous year.[141]
King criticized Trump’s 2017 budget proposal for its cuts to medical research.[142] In 2018 he voted with all Republicans except Rand Paul and six Democrats to confirm Alex Azar, Trump’s nominee for Health Secretary.[143][144]
In June 2018, King and fellow Maine Senator Susan Collins released a statement endorsing a proposal by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai intended to boost funding for the Rural Health Care Program of the Universal Service Fund, writing that “with demand for RHC funding continuing to rise, any further inaction would risk leaving rural healthcare practitioners without lifesaving telemedicine services. This long-overdue funding increase would be a boon to both healthcare providers and patients in rural communities across our country.”[145]
In July 2019, King was one of eight senators to cosponsor the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA), a bill intended to strengthen training for new and existing physicians, people who teach palliative care, and other providers who are on palliative care teams that grant patients and their families a voice in their care and treatment goals.[146]
In October 2019, King was one of 27 senators to sign a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer advocating the passage of the Community Health Investment, Modernization, and Excellence (CHIME) Act, which was set to expire the following month. The senators warned that if the funding for the Community Health Center Fund (CHCF) was allowed to expire, it “would cause an estimated 2,400 site closures, 47,000 lost jobs, and threaten the health care of approximately 9 million Americans.”[147]
King has voted against Republican attempts to completely defund Planned Parenthood, calling the proposals an “unfounded yet relentless assault” and “another example of misguided outrage that would only hurt those who need help the most.”[148] No federal funds go to Planned Parenthood for abortions (federal dollars pay for other health care services provided by the group, such as contraception and screenings for cancer and sexually transmitted diseases), but Republicans have sought to completely defund the organization because it provides abortions with other funds.[149] King stated that supporters of the bill were in effect voting to deprive low-income Americans of healthcare over an issue “that has nothing to do with the 97 percent of the services that Planned Parenthood provides,” saying: “To me, this bill is like attacking Brazil after Pearl Harbor.”[149]
King strongly criticized President Donald Trump‘s Executive Order 13769, which barred the admission of refugees to the U.S. and barred travel by nationals of several Muslim-majority countries to the country. He said: “This is probably the worst foreign policy decision since the invasion of Iraq. What it’s done is played right into ISIS’s hands. They want us to turn this into a war of the west against Islam. They have explicitly said they want to drive a wedge … There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and we don’t want a war with all of them. We don’t need a war with all of them. We’re not opposed to all of them.”[150] King noted that U.S. forces fought alongside Muslim Iraqi troops, and that Muslim nations shared valuable counterterrorism intelligence with the U.S.[150]
In 2018, King introduced legislation to halt separations of immigrant families at the border.[151]
In June 2019, King and Senator Susan Collins released a joint statement confirming that they had questioned U.S. Customs and Border Protection “on the process being used to clear” asylum seekers for transportation to Portland, Maine, and opined that it was “clearly not a sustainable approach to handling the asylum situation.” Collins and King were said to both be “interested in providing additional resources to the federal agencies that process asylum claims, so we can reduce the existing backlog and adjudicate new claims in a more timely fashion.”[152]
Railroad safety
In June 2019, King was one of ten senators to cosponsor the Safe Freight Act, a bill that would require freight trains have one or more certified conductors and a certified engineer aboard who can collaborate on how to protect both the train and people living near the tracks. The legislation was meant to correct a Federal Railroad Administration rollback of a proposed rule intended to establish safety standards.[153]
Same-sex marriage
King supports same-sex marriage.[154] He signed an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in United States v. Windsor encouraging it to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act.[155] Additionally, King voted for the Respect for Marriage Act in 2022.[156]
In April 2019, King was one of seven senators to sponsor the Digital Equity Act of 2019, legislation establishing a $120 million grant program that would fund both the creation and implementation of “comprehensive digital equity plans” in each U.S. state to support projects developed by individuals and groups. The bill also gave the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) the role of evaluating and providing guidance for digital equity projects.[157]
United States Postal Service
In March 2019, King was a cosponsor of a bipartisan resolution led by Gary Peters and Jerry Moran that opposed privatization of the United States Postal Service (USPS), citing the USPS as a self-sustained establishment and noting concerns that privatization could cause higher prices and reduced services for its customers, especially in rural communities.[158]
Personal life
King’s first wife was Edie Birney.[159] She is the mother of King’s three older sons. King and Birney divorced in 1982.[159]
Since 1984, King has been married to Mary Herman.[159] King has five children and six grandchildren.[160]
King is an Episcopalian and attends St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Brunswick.[159][161][162] He rides a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.[163]
As of 2018, King’s net worth, according to, was more than $9.4 million.[164]
Health issues
In June 2015, King underwent a successful surgery that removed a cancerous prostate that had been detected in a screening and biopsy. The surgery did not change King’s plans to run for reelection in 2018.[165]
On August 19, 2021, King and fellow senators Roger Wicker and John Hickenlooper tested positive for COVID-19.[166] He fully recovered from the virus, saying, “I didn’t feel great during the worst of my illness, but I’m confident that I would have felt a whole lot worse if I hadn’t received the vaccine”.[167]
Electoral history
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Independent | Angus King | 180,829 | 35.37% | N/A | |
Democratic | Joseph Brennan | 172,951 | 33.83% | −12.87% | |
Republican | Susan Collins | 117,990 | 23.08% | −23.62% | |
Green | Jonathan Carter | 32,695 | 6.39% | N/A | |
Write-In | Ed Finks | 6,576 | 1.29% | N/A | |
Write-ins | 267 | 0.05% | N/A | ||
Turnout | 511,308 | ~55% | |||
Independent gain from Republican | Swing |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Independent | Angus King (Incumbent) | 246,772 | 58.61% | +23.25% | |
Republican | James B. Longley, Jr. | 79,716 | 18.93% | −4.14% | |
Democratic | Thomas J. Connolly | 50,506 | 12.00% | −21.83% | |
Green | Pat LaMarche | 28,722 | 6.82% | +0.43% | |
Constitution | William P. Clarke, Jr. | 15,293 | 3.63% | N/A | |
Turnout | 421,009 | ||||
Independent hold | Swing |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Independent | Angus King | 370,580 | 52.89% | N/A | |
Republican | Charlie Summers | 215,399 | 30.75% | −43.26% | |
Democratic | Cynthia Dill | 92,900 | 13.26% | −7.33% | |
Independent | Steve Woods | 10,289 | 1.47% | N/A | |
Independent | Danny Dalton | 5,807 | 0.83% | N/A | |
Libertarian | Andrew Ian Dodge | 5,624 | 0.80% | N/A | |
Turnout | 700,599 | ||||
Independent gain from Republican |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Independent | Angus King (incumbent) | 344,575 | 54.31% | +1.42% | |
Republican | Eric Brakey | 223,502 | 35.23% | +4.48% | |
Democratic | Zak Ringelstein | 66,268 | 10.45% | −2.81% | |
Turnout | 634,345 | ||||
Independent hold |
Awards, honors, and fellowships
- University degrees
Location | Date | School | Degree |
![]() | 1966 | Dartmouth College | Bachelor of Arts (BA) |
![]() | 1969 | University of Virginia School of Law | Juris Doctor (JD) |
- Chancellor, visitor, governor, rector and fellowships
Location | Date | School | Position |
![]() | 2004–present | Bowdoin College | Distinguished Lecturer[28] |
![]() | Fall 2004 – present | Institute of Politics at Harvard University | Fellow[28][171] |
Honorary degrees
Location | Date | School | Degree | Gave commencement address |
![]() | 2007 | Bowdoin College | Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[28] | |
![]() | May 8, 2016 | Husson University | Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)[172] | Yes |
![]() | May 12, 2018 | University of Maine at Presque Isle | Doctor of Humane Letters (DHL)[173] | Yes |
Memberships and fellowships
Location | Date | Organization | Position |
![]() | 1969–present | Maine State Bar Association | Member |
Non-academic awards
In 2024, King received the 24th Bruce F. Vento Public Service Award from the National Park Trust.[174]
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External links
- Senator Angus King official U.S. Senate website
- Angus King for U.S. Senate campaign website
- Appearances on C-SPAN
- Biography at the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
- Financial information (federal office) at the Federal Election Commission
- Legislation sponsored at the Library of Congress
- Profile at Vote Smart
Social Security and Medicare are two of the most successful and popular programs in our country’s history. Together they help to keep millions of Americans healthy and prevent them from falling into poverty. I am committed to finding sensible, long-term solutions to ensure that these essential programs remain viable and available for generations to come. Supporting improved health outcomes for America’s seniors also involves helping them “age with options” – tearing down barriers they might face to aging safely in their homes and communities and helping to reduce the incidence of falls within the home. From introducing bills to increase access to federal home modification resources to supporting legislation that would make it more affordable for family caregivers to support aging loved ones, I am working hard to advance priorities that better support Maine’s vibrant senior population.